COBOL Courses


Due to recognition of the need to improve COBOL programs and to enrich knowledge of advanced and efficient programming models, Top-Edu has developed unique training programs for new programmers with a previous background in programming.

The courses include theoretical and practical studies and equip students with sophisticated and efficient logical thinking, with ability to identify needs and to make intelligent use of programming and logical models.

קורס מיינפריים

List of COBOL courses subjects

Move statement (Including Reference Modification)
I/O statements (Accept, Display)
Arithmetic statements (Compute, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide + Rounded, Size Error)
If and Conditions (Simple, Nested, Complex, De-Morgan, Functional)
Condition names (88 Levels)

Writing first program

The working environment (Editor)
Data types (Variables, Constants, Figurative constants)
Main and Sections (Perform)
Programming standards

Cobol basics

Program structure
Defining variables
Quick Cobol (Accept, Display, Move, Compute)

Sequential Files

Sequential Model
Processing a Sequential File
Select and FD
I/O Statements (Open, Close, Read, Write, Rewrite)
Declaratives and Error-Handling

Tables - Advanced topics

Private Index
Search All
Occurs depending on
Intrinsic Functions

Arrays and Tables

Defining one dimension tables
Initializing tables
Two and Multi-dimensional Tables
Working with tables
Redefining variables
Usage (Display, Packed-Decimal, Binary + Sync.)
Edit Fields

Subroutines and Call statement
String commands (Inspect, String, Unstring)


Break Model
One Breakpoint level
Two Breakpoint levels

Perform and Loops

Simple loop (Perform X Times)
Condition loop (Perform Until)
Index loop (Perform Varying)
The section method
In-line perform
Continuing loops
Ending loops

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    Top Edu

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    For the technology

    Top-Edu, a leading company in technological training, which operates based on a customer-focused strategy. Provides a complete range of computing solutions under one roof.

    Contact Information:

    • Phone: 077-7573393

    • Fax: 153-524431999

    • Address: Kanot Youth Village

    • Address for letters: Moshav Bitzaron, Zip Code 6094600, P.O. Box 128